The crème della crème of Jordon society jumped on a plane to see Murat Yildirim. The performers of Turkey has reached a status equal to or surpassing the popularity of the Pharaoh’s of Egypt.
Najviša elita Jordana planirala je Muratovu posjetu, jer su turski glumci na ovim prostorima dostigli veliku popularnost.
Let us all be honest that given the opportunity any one of us would jump at the opportunity to have a meal with a star, which one of us would not jump on a plane for this opportunity? Thinking of this on the level of a Hollywood star given the opportunity which one of us would say no? This is now the position of our performers in the Middle Eastern world. It is because of this that what the Turkey has been trying to do for years may now be possible due to our performers. I would not be surprise if Turkey begins to distribution the same way Brazil has been doing with their serials. In comparison our performers are just as if not better looking. It is because of this appeal that our actors and actresses are gaining popularity. Many have fan clubs established and this is drawing the fans to this country.
Da budemo iskreni da je prilika data bila kome od nas da za istim stolom budemo sa takvim zvijezdama, ko ne bi uskočio u avion i odletio tamo? Jer takva je sad pozicija naših zvijezda na bliskom istoku. Ono što je Turska godinama pokušavala dostići sada je omogućeno našim glumcima. Ne bih se iznenadila da Turska počne distribuirati svoje proizvode kao što to Brazil čini sa njihovim serijama. Kad se porede sa našim glumcima, turski su ako ništa drugo bar ljepši, a s druge strane popularniji su, imaju fun klubove...
Many from the Arab world due to their admiration of the stars are coming to Turkey. While here they are visiting historical sites as well as shopping in such locales as Istinye Park, and the Covered Bazaar, staying in hotels and spending their money. I actually ran into some doing just this….Last week I ran into members from the wealthy family of Hayal Al Fayez, a sibling Zain Al Majali and her friends were in Turkey. They were not here for just touring purposes. They actually boarded their jets in Jordan and arrived in Turkey. They used all their connections before arriving and had arranged a meeting with Murat Yildirim.
Mnogi arapi iz divljenja prema turskim glumcima dolaze posjetiti Tursku, posjećuju istorijska mjesta, tržne centre, odsjedaju u hotelima i troše svoj novac u Turskoj...Protekle sedmice imali smo takav primjer sa jednom dobrostojećom porodicom, koji su boravili u Turskoj. Nisu došli u Tursku iz turističkih motiva...Iskoristili su sve svoje veze koje imaju kako bi organizovali sastanak sa Muratom Yildirimom.
After having coffee at the home of Ender Mermerci they had dinner at Suada G Balik where they were joined by Murat Yildirim. His wife Burcin Terzioglu who is also a performer had to cancel at the last minute, but the jet set of Jordan were awed with the conversation they had with Murat Yildirim. They asked ask questions, and invited Murat and his wife to Jordan. They stated “we are sending a jet at the beginning of the week to bring you both to Jordan”. Also in attendance were Selma Turkes, Ahu Aysal, Mehmet Kocarslan, Sule Cavusoglu, and this was witness to the importance of the serial performers. The people of Jordan knew of Murat Yildirim from his serial ‘Asi’ “Ask ve Ceza”, unbeknownst to us Murat Yildirim has surpassed the status of Matthew Fox of “Lost Jack” in Jordan, he is also mentioned as being in the top 10 in actors popularity.. This was obvious by the attention of the Jordanian guests. Meanwhile, Yildirim mentioned that he is being pursued for many a new project, there are a few he is considering and promises that his new performance will be of a higher standard, in a very high quality project and that he is currently in negotiations. Well just like the fans in Jordan we await anxiously for this announcement.
Nakon kafe u domu Ender Mermerci, otišli su na večeru gdje im se pridružio i Murat Yildirim...Njegova supruga Burcin se takođe trebala pojaviti ali je otkazala u zadnjem trenutku, ali gosti su bili oduševljeni Muratom. Postavljali su razna pitanja i pozvali Murata i ženu u Jordan...Rekli su, poslaćemo avion po vas da dođete u Jordan...pozvani su i drugi glumci...gosti iz Jordana znali su Murata iz Asi i Ljubavi i kazne i u top 10 je najboljih glumaca tamo. Murat je rekao da su ga ove godine stalno progonili sa ispitivanjima oko novih projekata. Bilo je nekoliko ozbiljnih, nekoliko još uvijek razmatra a obećava da će naredna njegova uloga biti mnogo kvalitetnija, u visokok kvalitetnom projektu i trenutno je u pregovorima za to. Fanovi Jordana nestrpljivo to čekaju.
Kako je Murat otišao u Van/Murat went in Van I called Murat last night to ask about his trip. He informed me that he did not go; he had to postpone the trip due to the 7.2 earthquake in Van. He went to Van with 4 other members of the BKM Mutfak group for three days. During the conversation I learned that he was in Ercis the same time that I was there, and said “you saw the situation there” as his voice trembled.
Nazvala sam Murata da ga pitam za odlazak u jordan, rekao mi je da će odgoditi put zbog zemljotresa u Vanu. Otišao je u Van sa još 4 člana BKM grupacije na 3 dana...Kroz razgovor s njim shvatilasam da smo oboje u Ercisu i rekao je drhtavim glasom "Vidjela si kakva je situacija"
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