Cure su nestrplivo i sa velikim očekivanjima spremale se za ovaj dan, no nešto ipak nije pošlo po planu...U što ćete se uvjeriti do kraja ove bilješke. Mnogo su se nadale i polagale velike šanse u rođendanski party kojeg je asi ekipa pripremala za Muratov rođendan,. naravno sanjale su Murata i Tubu, sve drugo je bilo manje važno...Ali veliko razočarenje je brzo uslijedilo, dama B je stigla u Antakyu...Ubrzo je uslijedilo razočarenje broj dva, Tuba je prihvatila poziv mbc-a i zajedno sa Bulentom Inalom(koji je bio njena velika ljubav i ujedno kolega iz serije Ihramurlar atilda) i još jednim glumcem otputovala za Dubai. Video i prilog iz Dubaia- možete pogledati
Girls were ready for this day, and they had great expectations, but something went wrong, and you will see what in this note. They had many hopes in that birthday party that should be organized by asi team and in the honor of murat's birthday. But they heard bad news and have been very dissapointed, miss B arrived in Antakya..Soon they had another one, Tuba accepted invitation from mbc and went with Bulent Inal and another actor in Dubai, you can watch Dubai reportage here
Ubrzo su počele priče i dileme oko toga da li su se njih dvoje zaista posvađali ili je sve ovo bio samo ružan i previše slučajan splet okolnosti i da Muratu uskoro dolazi rođendanski poklon iz dubai-a. Šta se desilo...Tuba se vratila naveče iz Dubai-a, Murat je otputovao za javnost u Istanbul, ali zapravo je otišao do Adane, obližnjeg centra u južnoj Turskoj.
Soon begins disscussion and theories about what actually happenned are they actualy have a fight or all this is just a coincidence and we will soon see birthday gift from Dubai...What happenned...Tuba turned back from Dubai, Murat left Antakya and went to Adana(city also in southern turkey), but leaving everybody thinking that he went in Istanbul
Ovim ne završava priča muratovog rođendana, jer nemojte zaboraviti da 15. aprila Burcin oduzimaju vozačku, jer je izazvala nesreću u pijanom stanju...i vjerujem da slijedi razjašnjenje i ovoga, jer očito Murat nije bio u Istanbulu tad, što novinski članci i potvrđuju. Ovdje pišu o oduzimanju dozvole
This is not the end of story of Murat's birthday cause we have 15. april and Burcin's accident when she was caughted drunk and offiders took her driving license...she was alone, what prooves the fact that murat was in Adana not in Istanbul, like girls said and news articles also(burcin was caughted alone) article about drunk burcin